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1Please fill out the form below
Residence address
Spouse, Children, Step Children, Adopted
Are you currently on any state assistance?
If a vehicle is not running, do you have a way transport it to a qualified Low Income Auto Repair facility?
Make/Model/Year/Engine Size
This program is currently ONLY offered in MICHIGAN, please check the box to confirm you understand:
To confirm that you agree the information given in this form is true, complete and accurate, please text box below. that you confirm
I understand that I must be pre-approved for each repair that is approved for a discount by the Low Income Auto Repair Application process. Additionally, I understand that any future repairs that have not been approved will be charged at the repair shop's current rates. Please check the box below, if you understand and agree with this statement.
I understand that Low Income Auto Repair has received your application and someone from the call center will contact you to start your review and be matched with the repair facility under low income system. Please check the box below that you have read this statement and understand.




Low Income Program Terms

  • Please note that the Low-Income Auto Repair Program Discount is applicable only to applicants who have been approved and referred to a local auto repair shop.

  • This discount is non-transferable and valid for one repair per approval only.

  • For any future or additional repairs required, the applicant must undergo the same low-income application approval process to receive the low-income repair discount.

  • If the applicant fails to go through the application approval process for each repair, they will be billed at the local auto shop's current labor and parts rate.

  • By applying for this discount, you agree to the terms and services of the Low-Income Auto Repair Program Discount.

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